Monday, March 22, 2010

Back in the swing of things and a beach adventure with 300 people!

(Hanging out in Sihanoukville)
(This was a giant statue right across the street from our hotel
in Sihanoukville)
(Dara and I chillin' in the sand)
(At the beach, playing with kids, and not a care in the world!)

Hey everyone! I can't believe I have been back for over a month! Time sure does fly :) I am back into the full swing of things at Place of Rescue. I am teaching 4 classes a week and doing some one on one tutoring. I have really enjoyed getting reconnected with everyone and shared with my church here in Phnom Penh how God has been healing my heart the last three months. A highlight of my time back came this past week. Place of Rescue does a yearly trip to the beach at Sihanoukville in Western Cambodia. I LOVED seeing pure joy and smiles on the faces of 300+ kids, grannies, house moms, and staff members. I remember standing on the beach looking at the kids and playing, I was blown away by the sheer goodness of God. So many of these kids have stories that would break your heart, yet to see them being kids without a care and just playing at the beach was amazing! I am really excited for this coming week because I will go to Place of Rescue II. Place of Rescue II is in Monkol Borey, Northern Cambodia. I am excited to see how the orphanage looks, meet the kids, and hear the amazing stories of what God is doing in the lives of people here in Cambodia.

My hope and prayer for you all is this, that you embrace the life that God has given you and love it passionately! I know I do :)

Love and Blessings,


  1. Do the kids try to rip out your chest hair too? :P Looks like a very nice beach! :)

  2. I'm so glad that you're having a wonderful time there, the beach looks fantastic and you look truly happy. I'm sure that the experiences you've been having are life changing and challenging all wrapped up in one tightly wound package. I hope that you're healing well and taking life a step at a time. :)
