Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Quick Update

Hey all! I hope this entry finds you well. First of all, I want to again say thanks to everyone for joining the facebook group and following my blog. I am SO encouraged and blessed to have this kind of support behind me. I wanted to let you all know something very exciting; I officially have enough money raised for my plane ticket!!!! :) Praise God!!! I want to send a VERY big thank-you to Kamloops Alliance for your support. I have a formal thank-you on its way to Kamloops very soon! :)

Love and blessings,

Saturday, June 13, 2009


I have been thinking of all of you wonderful people lately and wanted to check in and say hello. I am doing pretty well. I am working LOTS and LOTS as a server and bartender. I work alot and work really hard but I do really love my job. I am super thankful that I have a job that is helping enable me financially for Cambodia. My life lately has pretty much consisted of the following; work, sleep, eat. I promise I will give a longer update soon! Just wanted to say hi and send out best wishes to everyone!

Love and blessings,