Sunday, April 11, 2010

Place of Rescue II, Angkor Wat, and True Love Seminar @ Rescue I

On Friday, April 9 the youth of Place of Rescue attended a two hour seminar on healthy, God-honoring dating relationships. The seminar was held on the Rescue property and between 40-50 of our youth attended. I really enjoyed being able to watch the youth I care deeply about learn and talk about what true, healthy, holy love looks like.
The seminar was taught by this man, he is a pastor at New Life Church in Phnom Penh. The kids really seemed to enjoy him. He spoke on the difference between love and lust. He had the youth's attention and had them laughing a lot which are two key things in working with youth :-)
I had the opportunity to go to Place of Rescue II in Monkol Borey (Northern Cambodia) and Siem Reap. This picture was taken at a night market in Siem Reap. Yes, those are fish you see around my feet folks, this is called a "Dr. Fish Foot Massage" and for two dollars you stuck your feet in this huge tank and these fish came to suck the dead skin off of your feet and "massage" them. I laughed, giggled, and screamed the entire time because they TICKLED SO BAD!!!!
This is a group shot of me and some of the kids at Place of Rescue II. We were greeted with a mass amount of hugs upon arrival and these were and are some of the sweetest kids I have ever met in my life. Place of Rescue II is almost at full capacity already! :) God is SO good!
This is Nisa. She is one of the kids at Place of Rescue II.
This picture was taken within one of the temples in Angkor Wat. Angkor Wat was absolutely mind-blowing to see! I had read a bit about it before coming to Cambodia and it was unreal to see it in person. I enjoyed being able to explore the grounds and bit in order to understand more about Cambodia, its people, and where they are coming from. I highly recommend seeing it if you are ever in my end of the world :)

Adios for now friends! God Bless

Love and Blessings,