Sunday, September 20, 2009

The dream has come true!

Sunday, Septemer 20 2009

Hey friends!

We have arrived in Phnom Pehn! The flights all went incredibly smoothly and had lots of time in Vancouver and Seoul-Inchon to make our flights. Praise be to God! We arrived Saturday night and spent the first evening connecting with our dear friend and teammate Keri, as well as checking out the hotel we are in for our first couple nights. Today has been our first full day in Cambodia and it has been a lot of fun! We had breakfast in the hotel before exploring the streets of Phnom Pehn before church. Church was in a building owned by World Vision and it was a great service. We sang two of my all-time songs, "We Fall Down" and "Lord Reign in Me". We then had lunch at a place called, "Pizza Company" with Bill and Lana, our new missionary friends. I couldn't help but chuckle a little bit to be eating pizza while listening to Jay-Z, Rihanna, and Britney Spears play in the background :) Next up we went to the mall to get cellphones and other various things. A very fun experience today was our first ride in a tuk-tuk. A tuk-tuk is a large cart attached to a moto (motorcycle). I couldn't tell you how many tuk-tuks and motos we have seen today! Anyways, we are now just relaxing and catching up on internet stuff. Friends, thank-you SO much for your support and encouragement! This still feels so surreal to be here, but I am so thankful and so excited to see what God does over these next 9 months.

Love and blessings,


  1. Hooray! I hope you're having so much fun already. Love you!

  2. I'm glad to hear that things are going well for you, it sounds like an amazing experience and I look forward to more updates! :)
